Rules Precedence
All the rules that you create are processed in a specific order, designed to allow you to create more specific rules that will “outrank” other, less-preferred rules.
When you run an Organize Operation on your repository, all of the rules contained within the repository will be processed in the following order:
Rules in the most deeply-nested folders will be run first.
Any rules that you define in nested folders will be run before rules defined in their parents. For example, rules defined in C:\Repository\Photos will be run before rules defined in C:\Repository
Rules that have more variables override rules that have less variables.
This applies to types of rules such as Move Rules that can contain variables within them.
Rules with a larger number of variables contained within them have a higher priority than rules with a lesser number of variables.
For example, if you wanted to sort photos by their year and type of camera that was used to take them, you might create a Move Rule with the following destination:
That rule will only be run if all of the variables are available for the file that is being moved (see the next rule).
You could have a ‘fallback rule’ such as the following:
This has a lower priority because it only has two variables, as opposed to the three in the first rule.
Rules containing variables that can not be resolved will be ignored.
As mentioned above, if a rule has any variable in it that cannot be resolved while attempting to process it (such as a reference to a Metadata field that is not available for the file), then the rule is simply disregarded for that file.
That file will then be available to any lower-priority rules. This makes it easy to craft your rules in such a way that you can take advantage of files with more Metadata associated with them, while still allowing you to organize files with less Metadata associated with them.